Friday, May 25, 2007

me, an Adobee :)

the main reason I started this blog was because I wanted to share with you how is to be an Adobee :) in Romania. Why? there are lots of reasons, because Adobe is new in Romania, because it has a unique culture, because is such a young and innovative team, because here are developed features from products that are used worldwide, because we do research, and the "because" thing can go on :)
Well, how is to be an adobee then? ...


Gelu said...

:) Welcome to Adobe :P

Aura said...

merci mult :)

imi place mult blog-ul tau si imi pare rau ca te-ai hotarat sa nu mai scrii. Dar cine stie, poate pornesti alt blog in alta parte, care poate nu va mai fi atat de transparent :) dar sunt convinsa ca va fi cel putin interesant.

